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Healing is a beautiful journey of unfolding who you truly are

Writer: Rajya LovelifeRajya Lovelife

Updated: May 28, 2020

Hi, I am Rajya… an artist, an energy healer, a receiver and a transmitter of divine messages, a seeker, a soul expander. I see and feel energy in a more profound way than I can explain. As this is my first blog, I am going to take you through a little journey so that you can get to know me just a bit more.

I have been on a path of self-discovery since I have known myself in this lifetime and have been on a conscious self-healing journey for the last decade. In the process, I woke up and started receiving divine guidance....

.....that’s when I began to realise that I have a divine purpose to share the information that I receive with the world. Equipped with what I know now, it is my #intention to help others become their best selves, to connect with their spirit to become who they really are, and to go through the journey of life with ease. I am passionate about #empowering others with their own power within.

Coming onto this path was a natural transition for me as I was born an intuitive empath. I felt deeply for everyone around me from a very young age. I always found it easy to put myself in other's shoes.

Yes, it took me some years to truly find myself. But I am glad I never gave up.


Losing my father at an early age; feeling unloved as a child; making me a needy person as I grew up; going through challenging relationships; being diagnosed with chronic conditions like #Hypothyroidism, #Fibromyalgia, #IBS, #Migraine, #Insomnia and many more...​

…..for years, I battled with life, even wanted to give up on life itself at times.

However, since the last decade, as I started to wake up, I began to see that all the pain in my life had a purpose. They were there for a reason, to teach me valuable lessons and yes! they have taught me so much! I also started to see the good side-effect...years of suffering had cranked up my empath-o-meter! LOL!!!

I started practicing #yoga, #meditation, #Reiki and then, I began to fit all the puzzle pieces together. I started to see the link... between my emotional reactions and life situations I had gone through...all the whys, whats and hows started to unfold. I began to see with clarity. The veil started lifting. I started enjoying life. I began to feel energy consciously, began to see that I have known it all along.

Then…#divineguidance started pouring in. I embarked on my journey of channeling true knowledge from the source. I started connecting with my #angels, my team of #spiritguides. My vibration began to rise, I was just so happy whenever I connected with them! I started to write down all the information I was downloading, started teaching myself and applying the knowledge in my own life.

Gradually, I began to release the resistances in my body. I started to sort out my life. I began to heal.


You can heal. You can create the body you want, the life you want. Healing is not a magic touch by a heavenly being. It is not just of the physical.

#Healing is about your journey of reflection, learning from your experiences, seeing the beauty of pain, understanding that everything happens for a reason and learning to be grateful for everything, including the pain.

Healing is about listening to the call of your soul, paying attention to your inner compass, receiving the divine guidance, opening your heart. It is about shedding the old you, letting go, releasing, unlearning most things that you have learnt in the physical world, to allow the unfolding of the new you that is becoming.

Healing is about connecting to that true compassion that exists in you, to find all that love that exists for you, within you, from the Universe, it is about finding your true power.

Healing is a beautiful #journey of waking up, unfolding who you truly are…and in that #joy, in that #beauty, in that #peace, in that #love, in that #gratitude, your body, your mind, your emotions begin to #heal. Enjoy the #journey.

Much love and light 🙏🏽💖✨



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